The ethics of effort and competition are ultimately rewarded with the demolition of solidarity.
Between wages and salaries flows a river of tears.
Those who don't work are reduced to a miserable existence amidst the spectacle of plenty.
De politiska alternativen verkar stendöda i dag. Liksom i övriga Europa exploaterar högerpopulismen utanförskapet i stället. Ska vi kunna hitta någon annan väg behöver vi här och nu ställa nyckelfrågorna: Vem eller vilka lider? Varför? Vem tjänar på det? Vem har makten? Hur påverkar den förda politiken de svaga?
Antingen kan man se detta klassamhälle för vad det är – eller så kan man det inte.
The ethics of effort and competition are ultimately rewarded with the demolition of solidarity.
Between wages and salaries flows a river of tears.
Those who don't work are reduced to a miserable existence amidst the spectacle of plenty.
vi är alla instängda...i mataffären och bostadslån...Fritte är instängd mellan rosenbad å sagerska....om du som kan kliva utanför 'boxen' ville vara så vänlig och förstöra boxen GENAST så att....Allt kunde ta sin början so....It all could begin.
In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don't try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.
Att kalla nån trög, gör inte dig smart.
Att kalla nån tjock, gör inte dig smal.
Att kalla nån feg, gör inte dig modig.
Att kalla nån fattig, gör inte dig rik.
Att kalla nån ful, gör inte dig snygg.
vi är alla instängda...i mataffären och bostadslån...Fritte är instängd mellan rosenbad å sagerska....om du som kan kliva utanför 'boxen' ville vara så vänlig och förstöra boxen GENAST så att....Allt kunde ta sin början so....It all could begin.
Att kalla nån trög, gör inte dig smart.
Att kalla nån tjock, gör inte dig smal.
Att kalla nån feg, gör inte dig modig.
Att kalla nån fattig, gör inte dig rik.
Att kalla nån ful, gör inte dig snygg.
In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don't try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.
vi är alla instängda...i mataffären och bostadslån...Fritte är instängd mellan rosenbad å sagerska....om du som kan kliva utanför 'boxen' ville vara så vänlig och förstöra boxen GENAST så att....Allt kunde ta sin början so....It all could begin.
ethics of effort and competition
The ethics of effort and competition are ultimately rewarded with the demolition of solidarity.
Between wages and salaries flows a river of tears.
Those who don't work are reduced to a miserable existence amidst the spectacle of plenty.
The Theologian's Nightmare - short story by Bertrand Russell - from Fact and Fiction, 1961
The Theologian's Nightmare - short story by Bertrand Russell - from Fact and Fiction, 1961
The eminent theologian Dr. Thaddeus dreamt that he died and pursued his course toward heaven. His studies
had prepared him and he had no difficulty in finding the way. He knocked at the door of heaven, and was met
with a closer scrutiny than he expected. "I ask admission," he said, "because I was a good man and devoted
my life to the glory of God." "Man?" said the janitor, "What is that? And how could such a funny creature as
you do anything to promote the glory of God?" Dr. Thaddeus was astonished. "You surely cannot be ignorant of
man. You must be aware that man is the supreme work of the Creator." "As to that," said the janitor, "I am
sorry to hurt your feelings, but what you're saying is news to me. I doubt if anybody up here has ever heard of
this thing you call 'man.' However, since you seem distressed, you shall have a chance of consulting our
The librarian, a globular being with a thousand eyes and one mouth, bent some of his eyes upon Dr. Thaddeus.
"What is this?" he asked the janitor. "This," replied the janitor, "says that it is a member of a species called
'man,' which lives in a place called 'Earth.' It has some odd notion that the Creator takes a special interest in
this place and this species. I thought perhaps you could enlighten it." "Well," said the librarian kindly to the
theologian, "perhaps you can tall me where this place is that you call 'Earth.'" "Oh," said the theologian, "it's
part of the Solar System." "And what is the Solar System?" asked the librarian. "Oh," said the theologian,
somewhat disconcerted, "my province was Sacred Knowledge, but the question that you are asking belongs to
profane knowledge. However, I have learnt enough from my astronomical friends to be able to tell you that the
Solar System is part of the Milky Way." "And what is the Milky Way?" asked the librarian. "Oh, the Milky Way
is one of the Galaxies, of which, I am told, there are some hundred million." "Well, well," said the librarian, "you
could hardly expect me to remember one out of so many. But I do remember to have heard the word galaxy'
before. In fact, I believe that one of our sub-librarians specializes in galaxies. Let us send for him and see
whether he can help."
After no very long time, the galactic sub-librarian made his appearance. In shape, he was a dodecahedron. It
was clear that at one time his surface had been bright, but the dust of the shelves had rendered him dim and
opaque. The librarian explained to him that Dr. Thaddeus, in endeavoring to account for his origin, had
mentioned galaxies, and it was hoped that information could be obtained from the galactic section of the library.
"Well," said the sub-librarian, "I suppose it might become possible in time, but as there are a hundred million
galaxies, and each has a volume to itself, it takes some time to find any particular volume. Which is it that this
odd molecule desires?" "It is the one called 'The Milky Way,'" Dr. Thaddeus falteringly replied. "All right," said
the sub- librarian, "I will find it if I can."
Some three weeks later, he returned, explaining that the extraordinarily efficient card index in the galactic
section of the library had enabled him to locate the galaxy as number QX 321,762. "We have employed," he
said, "all the five thousand clerks in the galactic section on this search. Perhaps you would like to see the clerk
who is specially concerned with the galaxy in question?" The clerk was sent for and turned out to be an
octahedron with an eye in each face and a mouth in one of them. He was surprised and dazed to find himself in
such a glittering region, away from the shadowy limbo of his shelves. Pulling himself together, he asked, rather
shyly, "What is it you wish to know about my galaxy?" Dr. Thaddeus spoke up: "What I want is to know about
the Solar System, a collection of heavenly bodies revolving about one of the stars in your galaxy. The star about
which they revolve is called 'the Sun.'" "Humph," said the librarian of the Milky Way, "it was hard enough to hit
upon the right galaxy, but to hit upon the right star in the galaxy is far more difficult. I know that there are about
three hundred billion stars in the galaxy, but I have no knowledge, myself, that would distinguish one of them
from another. I believe, however, that at one time a list of the whole three hundred billion was demanded by the
Administration and that it is still stored in the basement. If you think it worth while, I will engage special labor
from the Other Place to search for this particular star."
It was agreed that, since the question had arisen and since Dr. Thaddeus was evidently suffering some
distress, this might be the wisest course.
Several years later, a very weary and dispirited tetrahedron presented himself before the galactic sub-librarian. "I
have," he said, "at last discovered the particular star concerning which inquiries have been made, but I am quite
at a loss to imagine why it has aroused any special interest. It closely resembles a great many other stars in
the same galaxy. It is of average size and temperature, and is surrounded by very much smaller bodies called
'planets.' After minute investigation, I discovered that some, at least, of these planets have parasites, and I think
that this thing which has been making inquiries must be one of them."
At this point, Dr. Thaddeus burst out in a passionate and indignant lament: "Why, oh why, did the Creator
conceal from us poor inhabitants of Earth that it was not we who prompted Him to create the Heavens?
Throughout my long life, I have served Him diligently, believing that He would notice my service and reward me
with Eternal Bliss. And now, it seems that He was not even aware that I existed. You tell me that I am an
infinitesimal animalcule on a tiny body revolving round an insignificant member of a collection of three hundred
billion stars, which is only one of many millions of such collections. I cannot bear it, and can no longer adore
my Creator." "Very well," said the janitor, "then you can go to the Other Place."
Here the theologian awoke. "The power of Satan over our sleeping imagination is terrifying," he muttered.
Bertrand Russell - from Fact and Fiction, 1961
Aphorisms Against Work English and google translated to Swedish further down.
The Crisis of overproduction worsens as unemployment grow to staggering proportions (1/5th of the global population). If more people produced much less, the ecology of the planet would prosper.
Work is to life as a wall is to the wind.
Between wages and salaries flows a river of tears.
Everything that requires effort and supports the market - shopping, cleaning, watching television - has become work, albeit invisible work.
The ethics of effort and competition are ultimately rewarded with the demolition of solidarity.
The time has come to prepare the sacred cow of work for slaughter.
The sacrosanct notion of work is the cause of most of humanity's woes. Never trust the priests of work because they've poisoned their minds with it. For example, the quantity of economically necessary work declines, yet politicians and economists tell us that the only way to end unemployment is with more useless work. Why couldn't more people do much less?
The ugly brown dye of work spills across this miserable civilization, saturating the fabric of everyday life, day after back-breaking day.
Going to work is like hurling yourself into an abyss.
There are three types of labor - wage work, domestic labor and autonomous activity, the latter being (in most cases) exempt from charges of drudgery and slavery.
Slaves feel tired just thinking of all the work they've yet to do.
Creativity constrains the return of work; be creative and put severe constraints on work.
The legends of paradise teach us to curse work, reminding us that laziness is the essential goal of humanity.
All power to zeroworker councils - impose a strict regime of laziness!
The right to work is the right to misery and always implies the possibility of the right not to work.
Laziness is the source of all virtue.
Work is the graveyard of bad intentions.
Authentic humans feel degraded by those who preach the religion of work.
Pay your debts with an effigy of your boss.
Work inhibits the noble passions of humanity.
In a ton of work, there's not an ounce of love.
Work or perish - what choice is that? I'd rather die than work.
"Elite" workers are allied with bosses against fellow humans who are either incapable or, praise them, idle.
Laziness is the mother of passion, a veritable bed of lust.
The plague of work, the bulimia of work, the homicide of work - give work its proper attributes.
No pity for those tormented by a passion for work.
Labor only sustains life by stunting it. Tell me how much you work and I'll tell you what you are.
The only place to contemplate the wisdom of humanity is on the throne of laziness.
Now we have a system where most work and few are lazy. The rejection of work is the basis of sub-proletarian revolution, so take victories over work where you can get them.
Put your best efforts into laziness and prepare for the coming inaction.
The biggest tragedy of the teen years? Sublime beings become workers.
Work for full unemployment.
The culture of productivism employes work for social discipline and control - in a word, domination. Look around you in the subway - you share the world with masses of domestic slaves on the way to, or recovering from, their latest paroxysm of work.
Instead of the penitentiary of the salary, we want guaranteed social incomes, in addition and unrelated to, the number of hours we work.
Every prison is built with work.
Those who don't work are reduced to a miserable existence amidst the spectacle of plenty.
Work is not the continuation of divine creation, rather a contest of life and death whereby work triumphs over wisdom, and vice versa.
Sacrifice work for the sake of life (or at least snarl at your boss and give him the finger).
Production for the sake of production is as vapid as art for art's sake.
The system is bent on economizing time, but it's afraid to give free time to people.
The seeds of universal solidarity are found in the process of taking time back from work.
According to the priests of work, everything can become a job. The monetizing of all activity disguises work as leisure (and vice versa) and creates a society of impoverished servants, many of whom are still without work.
Bad workers can't be controlled by management, especially when they're ready to pretend to be loyal employees and otherwise lie to the enemy.
Work dies on the comfy pillory of laziness, putting a momentary end to the system that sublimates sex with work.
Freedom begins where work ends.
Prepare for the coming inaction - be lazy
To do what the boss orders you to do is slavery, to do so for money is prostitution
Överproduktionskrisen försämras som arbetslösheten växa till svindlande proportioner (1/5th av världens befolkning). Om fler människor som produceras mycket mindre, skulle ekologi planeten framgång
Ett arbete är att livet som en vägg är för vinden.
Mellan löning och löning flyter en flod av tårar.
Allt som kräver ansträngning och stöder marknaden - shopping, städning, titta på tv - har blivit arbete, om än osynliga arbete.
Etiken kring ansträngning och konkurrens belönas i slutändan med söndertrasande av solidariteten.
Det är dags att förbereda den helig kon arbete till slakt.
Den heliga begreppet arbete är orsaken till de flesta av mänsklighetens elände. Lita aldrig på arbetetets präster eftersom de har förgiftat sina sinnen med det. Till exempel minskar mängden av ekonomiskt nödvändiga arbeten, men ändå säger politiker och ekonomer att det enda sättet att avsluta arbetslösheten är mer onödigt arbete. Varför kunde inte fler människor göra så mycket mindre?
Den fula bruna färgen av arbete spill över denna eländiga civilisation, mättande tyget i vardagen, dagen efter back-breaking dag.
Att gå till jobbet är som att kasta sig in i en avgrund.
Det finns tre typer av arbetskraft - lönearbete, hushållsarbete och självständig verksamhet, det senare (i de flesta fall) undantas från anklagelser om slit och slaveri.
Slavar blir trötta bara de tänker på allt arbete som de har ännu att göra.
Legenderna om paradiset lär oss att förbanna arbete, påminner oss om att lathet är det väsentliga målet för mänskligheten.
All makt till zeroworker råd - införa ett strikt system av lättja!
Rätten till arbete är rätten att eländet och alltid innebär möjligheten att rätten att inte arbeta.
Lättja är källan till all dygd.
Arbete är kyrkogården för dåliga avsikter.
Autentiska människor känner sig degraderas av dem som predikar religionen arbete.
Betala dina skulder med ett porträtt av din chef.
Arbetet hämmar de ädla passioner mänskligheten.
I en ton av arbete, det finns inte ett uns av kärlek.
Arbeta eller gå under - vad valet är det? Jag vill hellre dö än arbete.
Elitarbetarna, allierade med chefer mot sina medmänniskor, som antingen är oförmögna till frihet eller hyllar elitarbetarna på tomgång.
Lättja är mamma till passion, en veritabel bädd av lust.
Pesten av arbetet, bulimi av arbetet, mördande arbete - ge arbetet dess rätta namn efter dess egenskaper.
Ingen synd om dem som plågas av en passion för arbetet.
Labor upprätthåller bara livet genom dvärgväxt det. Berätta hur mycket du arbetar, och jag ska säga dig vad du är.
Det enda stället att begrunda det kloka i att mänskligheten är på tronen av lättja.
Nu har vi ett system där de flesta arbetar och få är lata. Avvisandet av arbete är grunden för sub-proletära revolutionen, så ta makten över arbetet där du kan.
Sätt dina ansträngningar in i lättja och förbereda för den kommande passivitet.
Den största tragedin tonåren? Sublima varelser blir arbetare.
Arbeta för full arbetslöshet.
Kulturen i produktivism, sysselsätter och arbetar för social disciplin och kontroll - med ett ord dominans.
Se dig omkring i tunnelbanan - du delar världen med massor av inhemska slavar på väg till eller återhämtar sig från, deras senaste anfall av arbetet.
Istället för fängelse av lönen, vill vi ha garanterade sociala inkomster, utöver och oberoende till antalet timmar vi arbetar.
Varje fängelse är byggd med arbete.
Arbetstagare och konsumenter är de eländiga tjänarna av maskiner och deras ändlösa krav.
De som inte arbetar reduceras till en eländig tillvaro mitt i överflödets spektakel.
Arbete är inte en fortsättning av gudomlig skapelse, snarare en tävling på liv och död varigenom arbete triumfer över visdom, och vice versa.
Offra arbeta för att skull liv (eller åtminstone morra på din chef och ge honom fingret).
Produktionen av hänsyn till produktionen så fadd som konst för konstens skull.
Systemet är inriktad på hushållning tid, men det är rädd för att ge fri tid för människor.
Frön av universella solidaritet finns i processen att ta tid tillbaka från arbetet.
Enligt arbetets präster, kan allt bli ett jobb.
De tjänar pengar på alla aktiviteter som döljer arbete som
fritid (och vice versa) och skapar ett samhälle
av fattiga tjänare, av vilka många fortfarande är utan arbete.
Dåliga arbetare kan aldrig kontrolleras av företagsledningen, särskilt när de är redo att låtsas vara lojala medarbetare och ljuger för fienden.
Arbetet dör på bekväma skampålen av lättja, sätta en tillfällig slut på det system som sublimeras sex med arbetet.
Frihet börjar där arbetet slutar.
Förbered dig för den kommande passivitet - vara lat
Att göra vad chefen beordrar dig att göra är slaveri, att göra det för pengar är prostitution.
Unknown Origin - One day i came into existence and all the larks was singing old jazz standards
One day i came into existence and all the larks was singing old jazz standards to anoy the church.
Then i was lost until recent when my smell from 1976 ozed out from a subway and i took form again,
badly but form./nOne thing you guys must learn before the introgalactic (the vast within) dance is
this. READ!/n/n_____________________/n The name that can be named is not the/neternal name./nThe
nameless is the beginning of/nheaven and Earth./nThe named is the mother of the ten/nthousand
things./nEver desireless, one can see the/nmystery./nEver desiring, one sees
the/nmanifestations./nThese two spring from the same source/nbut differ in name; this appears
as/ndarkness./nDarkness within darkness./nThe gate to all
mystery./n___________________________/n/nIf you are to conquer the vast within - the mighty nothing-
you cant behave like cousins from ouglaneese./n/nAnd now some fun. you have a master among
you/n -Stephen Wright. Take it away double uuu/n/nI can remember the first time I had to go to
sleep. Mom said, "Steven, time to go to sleep." I said, "But I don't know
how." She said, "It's real easy.Just go down to the end of tired and hang a
left." So I went down to the endof tired, and just out of curiosity I hung a right. My mother was
there, andshe said "I thought I told you to go to sleep." /n /n/n/nI hate it when my foot falls
asleep during the day because that means it'sgoing to be up all night. /n /n/nWhen I woke up
this morning my girlfriend asked me, "Did you sleep good?" Isaid, "No, I made a few
mistakes." /n /n/nI was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering. /n /n /n One night I
walked home very late and fell asleep in somebody's satellite dish.My dreams were showing
up on TV's all over the world. /n /n /nMy girlfriend does her nails with white-out. When
she's asleep, I go overthere and write misspelled words on them. /n /n /nI got up one morning
and couldn't find my socks, so I called Information. Shesaid, "Hello, Information." I
said, "I can't find my socks." She said,"They're behind the couch."
And they were! /n /n /nI went into this bar and sat down next to a pretty girl. She looked at me
andsaid, "Hey, you have two different colored socks on." I said, "Yeah, Iknow,but to
me they're the same because I go by thickness." /n /n /n I bought a self learning record to
learn Spanish. I turned it on and went tosleep; the record got stuck. The next day I could only stutter
in Spanish. /n /n /nI was going to tape some records onto a cassette, but I got the wiresbackwards. I
erased all of the records. When I returned them to my friend, hesaid, "Hey, these records are all
blank." /n /n /nLast year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. Hecaught
every other fish. /n /n /nThere's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking
like an idiot. /n_________________/n/nbye
Unknown Origin - One day i came into existence and all the larks was singing old jazz standards
Fri. Oct. 29th 2010
The Lucky Star Lounge
Front Royal, VA
Filmed by Paul Carey
4 no good reason ....THE LAUGHTER COMBINDED WITH...EMPTY?!
"Directory Enquiries
Caller: 'I'd like the number of the Argo Fish Bar, please'
Operator: 'I'm sorry, there's no listing. Are you sure that the
spelling is correct?'
Caller: 'Well, it used to be called the Bargo Fish Bar but the 'B' fell off.'
Then there was the caller who asked for a knitwear company in Woven.
Operator: 'Woven? Are you sure?'
Caller: 'Yes. That's what it says on the label -- Woven in Scotland '
On another occasion, a man making heavy breathing sounds from a phone
box told a worried operator: 'I haven't got a pen, so I'm steaming up
the window to write the number on.'
Verse from 'Tao Te Ching' by Lau Tzu,
number eighty one
The truth is not always beautiful,
nor beautiful words the truth.
Those who have virtue,
have no need of argument for its own sake,
for they know that argument is of no avail.
Those who have knowledge of the natural way
do not train themselves in cunning,
whilst those who use cunning to rule their lives,
and the lives of others, are not knowledgeable of the Tao,
nor of natural happiness.
The sage seeks not to have a store
of things or knowledge, for he knows,
the less of these he has, the more he has,
and that the more he gives,
the greater his abundance.
The way of the sage is pointed
but does not harm.
The way of the sage
is to work without cunning."
Adress to my channel:
idiotjim - HomeBrewed ToneWorks
176 gets my work direct 106 573 videos showed, now january 2013 its about
800 to 1200 per week...why...?
I have no idea...
FlowFlowFlow-Flovers to you!
Tristan Tzara - Proclamation Without Pretension
Tristan Tzara Proclamation Without Pretension
Cinema Calendar Of The Abstract Heart - Tristan Tzara
the fibres give in to your starry warmtha lamp is called green and seescarefully stepping into a season of feverthe wind has swept the rivers' magicand i've perforated the nerveby the clear frozen lakehas snapped the sabrebut the dance round terrace tablesshuts in the shock of the marble shuddernew sober
Tristan Tzara
Tristan Tzara
Proclamation Without Pretension Art is going to sleep for a new world to be born"ART"-parrot word-replaced by DADA,PLESIOSAURUS, or handkerchief
The talent THAT CAN BE LEARNED makes thepoet a druggist TODAY the criticismof balances no longer challenges with resemblances
Hypertrophic painters hyperaes-theticized and hypnotized by the hyacinthsof the hypocritical-looking muezzins
Hypodrome of immortal guarantees: there isno such thing as importance there is no transparenceor appearance
THE SYRINGE is only for my understanding. I write because it isnatural exactly the way I piss the way I'm sick
Art is a PRETENSION warmed by theTIMIDITY of the urinary basin, the hysteria bornin THE STUDIO
We are in search ofthe force that is direct pure soberUNIQUE we are in search of NOTHINGwe affirm the VITALITY of every IN-STANT
the anti-philosophy of spontaneous acrobatics
At this moment I hate the man who whispersbefore the intermission-eau de cologne-sour theatre. THE JOYOUS WIND
If each man says the opposite it is because he isright
Get ready for the action of the geyser of our blood-submarine formation of transchromatic aero-planes, cellular metals numbered inthe flight of images
above the rules of theand its control
It is not for the sawed-off impswho still worship their navel
Tristan Tzara
The Great Lament Of My Obscurity Three where we live the flowers of the clocks catch fire and the plumes encircle the brightness in the distant sulphur morning the cows lick the salt liliesmy sonmy sonlet us always shuffle through the colour of the worldwhich looks bluer than the subway and astronomywe are too thinwe have no mouthour legs are stiff and knock togetherour faces are formeless like the starscrystal points without strength burned basilicamad : the zigzags cracktelephonebite the rigging liquefythe arcclimbastralmemorytowards the north through its double fruitlike raw fleshhunger fire blood
Tristan Tzara
To Make A Dadist Poem Take a newspaper.Take some scissors.Choose from this paper an article the length you want to make your poem.Cut out the article.Next carefully cut out each of the words that make up this article and put them all in a bag.Shake gently.Next take out each cutting one after the other.Copy conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag.The poem will resemble you.And there you are--an infinitely original author of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd.
Tristan Tzara
Vegetable Swallow two smiles meet towardsthe child-wheel of my zealthe bloody baggage of creaturesmade flesh in physical legends-lives
the nimble stags storms cloud overrain falls under the scissors ofthe dark hairdresser-furiouslyswimming under the clashing arpeggios
in the machine's sap grassgrows around with sharp eyeshere the share of our caressesdead and departed with the waves
gives itself up to the judgment of timeparted by the meridian of hairsnon strikes in our handsthe spices of human pleasures
Tristan Tzara
De har inget intresse i att bota människor.Deras huvudfokus är att ge ägarna avkastning på kapital.
roten till finanskrisen

The Fighting Cheyennes
The Fighting Cheyennes
Anthropologist George Bird Grinnell’s The Fighting Cheyennes (1915) describes “perhaps the only
attempt to disable a railroad ever made by Indians.” A Cheyenne named Porcupine relates that in
late summer 1867, after an embittering loss to U.S. soldiers in frontier Nebraska, his band witnessed
“the first train of cars that any of us had seen. We looked at it from a high ridge. Far off it was very
small, but it kept coming and growing larger all the time, puffing out smoke and steam, and as it
came on we said to each other that it looked like a white man’s pipe when he was smoking.”
“Not long after this, as we talked of our troubles, we said among ourselves: ‘Now the white people
have taken all we had and have made us poor and we ought to do something. In these big wagons
that go on this metal road, there must be things that are valuable — perhaps clothing. If we could
throw these wagons off the iron they run on and break them open, we should find out what was in
them and could take whatever might be useful to us.”
They lay a stick across the tracks, which was enough to upset a handcar that appeared that night, and
the Cheyenne killed the two men who had been working it. Encouraged, they used levers to pull out
the spikes at the end of a rail and bent it a foot or two in the air. Presently they spotted two
trainsapproaching and sent a party to assail the first one.
“When they fired, the train made a loud noise — puffing — and threw up sparks into the air, going
faster and faster, until it reached the break, and the locomotive jumped into the air and the cars all
came together. After the train was wrecked, a man with a lantern was seen coming running along the
track, swearing in a loud tone of voice. He was the only one on the train left alive. They killed him.
The other train stopped somewhere far off and whistled. Four or five men came walking along the
track toward the wrecked train. The Cheyennes did not attack them. The second train then backed
The Cheyenne would shortly be driven out of that country, but they relished this victory. “Next
morning they plundered and burned the wrecked train and scattered the contents of the cars all over
the prairie,” Porcupine relates. “They tied bolts of calico to their horses’ tails, and galloped about and
had much amusement.”

Fredrik Strage - Utspelet om näthat kastar ett löjets skimmer över Svenskt Näringsliv Publicerad DN 2013-03-01
Att ge företag ett juridiskt vapen för att tysta sina belackare – på yttrandefrihetens bekostnad – vore olyckligt. Individer och företag är inte samma sak.
Canon Pixma MG6250, jag hatar dig. Jag ska köra ut dig till ett fält och slå sönder dig med basebollträ medan jag lyssnar på Geto Boys. Din skanner är okej men dina färgpatroner tar slut på ett ögonblick och kostar skjortan. Jag förbannar Canon, de lömska utsugare som tillverkade dig.
De är exakt som Ryanair, ett annat företag som låtsas vara billiga men lurar mig på pengar med sitt förrädiska bokningssystem. Det enda bra med Ryanair är att de inte flyger från Arlanda. Jag hatar nämligen Arlanda Express ännu mer. Det är världens dyraste flygtåg, ocker på räls. Jag drömmer om att bryta mig in på bangården och spreja deras gula fula vagnar med orden ”FUCK OFF ARLANDA UTPRESS”.
Men så får man väl inte säga i det här landet längre.
Nej, snart får man inte det. I alla fall inte om Svenskt Näringsliv får som de vill. Efter den senaste tidens debatt om näthat har organisationen uttalat sig om att det borde vara straffbart att kränka aktiebolag. Det är nämligen lika synd om mobbade företag som om mordhotade feminister.
Utspelet kastar ett löjets skimmer över Svenskt Näringsliv – ungefär som när Henrik Schyffert låtsades vara organisationens talesperson och i en fejkad informationsfilm hyllade Moderaternas maktövertagande genom att vråla ”the vind is vänding”.
En skärpt lagstiftning – där förtal av juridiska personer likställs med förtal av fysiska personer – kan leda till rättsprocesser av den typ som bananimperiet Dole drog i gång i USA mot filmarna som visade att företaget använt förbjudna bekämpningsmedel. Lundin Oil och Carema skulle på samma vis kunna stämma journalister.
Rejta, en sajt där allmänheten hissar och dissar alltifrån sportbarer till hunddagis, kan också få det hett om öronen – liksom vänsteraktivister som bränner Shellflaggor och målar Hitlermustasch på Ronald McDonald.
Samtidigt kan det tyckas märkligt att man i Sverige inte kan åtalas för förtal av företag, ens om man medvetet sprider lögner, medan man kan straffas för förtal av en person, även om det man säger är sant. Juridikprofessorn Mårten Schultz påpekade det i en debattartikel i SvD häromåret. Men det går ändå inte att jämföra individer som kränks med företag som kritiseras.
De senare har inte sällan en pr-avdelning till sin tjänst. Att ge dem ett juridiskt vapen för att tysta sina belackare – på yttrandefrihetens bekostnad – vore olyckligt.
Många av företagen skulle antagligen, likt Dole, försöka skrämma journalister till tystnad. Ur en pr-avdelnings perspektiv är det givetvis förtal, inte kritik, att säga att Shell hotar miljön på Antarktis med sina planerade oljeborrningar, eller att säkerhetskoncernen G4S bryter mot mänskliga rättigheter i Palestina.
Jag kan inte låta bli att tänka på en av de första stora Facebookgrupperna, ”Det bottenlösa hatet”, som riktades mot en Icabutik i Stockholms innerstad. Den startades av missnöjda kunder 2007 och hade två år senare så många medlemmar att fackförbundet Unionen ansåg att den försämrade personalens arbetsmiljö. Var det näthat? Definitivt. Var det konsumentaktivism? Absolut. Och om Ica haft möjlighet skulle de förmodligen ha stämt de hatiska konsumenterna på så mycket pengar att de fick handla på Lidl resten av livet.
Fredrik Strage DN 2013-03-01
Morrissey - First of the gang to die
You have never been in love, Until you have seen the stars, reflect in the reservoirs
And you have never been in love, Until you have seen the dawn rise, behind the home for the blind
We are the pretty, petty thieves, And you're standing on our streets
Where Hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand
And the first to do time, the first of the gang to die, Oh my
Hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand
And the first to do time, the first of the gang to die, Oh my
You have never been in love, Until you've seen the sunlight thrown, Over smashed human bone
We are the pretty, petty thieves, And you're standing on our streets
Where Hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand
And the first to do time, the first of the gang to die, Such a silly boy
Hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand
And the bullet in his gullet and the first lost lad to go under the sod
And he stole from the rich and the poor and not very rich and the very poor
And he stole our hearts away
He stole our hearts away, He stole our hearts away
He stole our hearts away, He stole our hearts away
Natalie Merchant was born October 26, 1963, in Jamestown, New York - Small Bio - Video - Natalie Merchant "Nursery Rhyme of Innocence and Experience" Live on Soundcheck
Natalie Merchant "Nursery Rhyme of Innocence and Experience" Live on Soundcheck

Natalie Anne Merchant (born October 26, 1963) is an American singer-songwriter and musician. She joined the alternative rock band 10,000 Maniacs in 1981 and left it to begin her solo career in 1993.
Early life
Natalie Merchant was born October 26, 1963, in Jamestown, New York, the third of four children of Anthony and Ann Merchant. Her paternal grandfather, who played the accordion, mandolin and guitar, emigrated to the United States from Sicily; his surname was "Mercante" before it was Anglicized.[1] Her maternal grandfather, a cartoonist, piano tuner and member of a barbershop quartet, was Irish.[1] Her parents divorced when she was eight years old, and her mother later remarried.
When Merchant was a child, her mother listened to music (The Beatles, Al Green, Aretha Franklin)and encouraged her children to study music, but she wouldn't allow TV after Natalie was 12. "I was taken to the symphony a lot because my mother loved classical music. But I was dragged to see Styx when I was 12. We had to drive 100 miles to Buffalo, New York. Someone threw up next to me and people were smoking pot. It was terrifying. I remember Styx had a white piano which rose out of the stage. It was awe-inspiring and inspirational."
"She [her mother] had show tunes, she had the soundtrack from West Side Story and South Pacific. And then eventually... she'd always liked classical music and then she married a jazz musician, so that's the kind of music I was into. I never really had friends who sat around and listened to the stereo and said 'hey, listen to this one', so I'd never even heard of who Bob Dylan was until I was 18."
During 1988–1989, Natalie claimed she still didn't have a TV: "I grew up in a house where no one watched the news on television and no one read the paper. I've been discovering these things as I get older, and the news has affected me more than it ever has before."
"A suicidal high school dropout", Merchant started working in a health food store at 16.[2] She considered a career in special education following her taking part in a handicapped children's summer program. But eventually in 1981 she started singing for a band called Still Life, which was to become 10,000 Maniacs.
10,000 Maniacs
The period featuring Merchant was the most critically and commercially successful for 10,000 Maniacs. She is seen here with Rob Buck and the band during that time.
Merchant was lead singer and primary lyricist for 10,000 Maniacs, joining in its infancy in 1981 while she was a student at Jamestown Community College. The group recorded their album Human Conflict Number Five and performed a corresponding Music video at The Hotel Franklin and at Group W Westinghouse studios (Jamestown, New York) in 1982. Merchant sang lead vocals, and later played the piano as well, for 10,000 Maniacs for seven studio albums. In 1993 she announced that she was leaving the group.
Tigerlily (1995)
Merchant has said in interviews that after her split with 10,000 Maniacs she was so eager to begin writing her own material that she went home that very day and composed the song "I May Know the Word", which was originally meant to appear on the soundtrack to the Tom Hanks movie Philadelphia. The song was eventually cut from the soundtrack, but it would go on to appear on Merchant's debut solo album, Tigerlily, which was released on the Elektra label in 1995. Merchant chose to name the album Tigerlily as she felt it captured the feel of the album, which she described as both "fierce" and "delicate".
The third song on the album, "Beloved Wife", was featured as the first song in the trailer for the movie Message in a Bottle.
The fifth song on the Tigerlily album, Carnival, was requested by the serial killer Aileen Wuornos to be played at her wake after her execution. It was also played over the end credits to Nick Broomfield's documentary Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer, which was aired on the Crime channel.
Seeking creative control, Merchant chose to fund Tigerlily herself, refusing the advance from the record company. She also wanted to work with a core-group of young musicians who she felt would be enthusiastic about the music. The group would consist of guitarist Jennifer Turner, bassist Barrie Maguire, and former-Wallflower and eventual boyfriend to Merchant, Peter Yanowitz, who played drums on the album and who continued to do so with Merchant until their abrupt split in 2000.
Tigerlily was a critical and commercial success, spawning her first top-ten hit in the single "Carnival", and achieving top-40 success with subsequent singles "Wonder" and "Jealousy". The album would go on to sell over 5 million copies, and continues to be Merchant’s most successful album to date. Merchant did extensive touring for the album and made numerous television appearances, including performances on SNL, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and all late-night talk shows. The media's immediate and critical impact on culture and cultural icons was of particular interest to Merchant. In "River", a song from Tigerlily, Merchant defends River Phoenix as she castigates the media for systematically dissecting the child actor after his death. Much of their emphasis was on Phoenix' suspected drug-using lifestyle. In "River," Merchant asks, "Why don't you let him be / Give his mother and father peace." Merchant's anger is later replaced with quiet reflection, asking, "It was such a nightmare raving, 'How could we save him from himself?'"
Ophelia (1998–1999)
Three years passed before Merchant would release her second solo effort, Ophelia. While Tigerlily contained a lot of sparse instrumentation, the music on Ophelia featured plenty of lush symphonic arrangements composed and conducted by British composer Gavin Bryars. Merchant treated the recording of Ophelia as a series of workshops, where she would invite various musicians she had met over the years into her home studio to collaborate and record. In the end, 30 different musicians featured on the album, among them Brand New Heavies frontwoman N'Dea Davenport (with whom she duets on the song Break Your Heart), famed trumpet player Chris Botti, and the husband and wife duo, Don and Karen Peris, from the band The Innocence Mission.
While Ophelia is not a concept record in the traditional sense, the album-cycle saw Merchant flexing her creative muscles in surprising ways. The name of the album and the title track are a literary reference to Shakespeare's Ophelia, who in the play Hamlet becomes mad and eventually commits suicide when Hamlet remains non-committal and lost in himself. Merchant's Ophelia describes a series of women throughout time—women who dared question the patriarchal status quo and who were often castigated for doing so—and is a cry for women's rights and for more understanding of female archetypes beyond the scope of the "mother" and the "whore", both of which severely limit women and attempt to turn them into little more than chattel. The portrayal of the women in the song is a tribute to the non-traditional, the "too smart for her own good" type of woman who is often misunderstood by society. As a lyric to the title song cries: "Your common sense, your best defense, was wasted and in vain!" A reflection of women driven mad by social limitations, Natalie's tribute described Ophelia as being at once a "novice carmelite," a "suffragette," a "circus queen," a "demigoddess" and a "mafia courtesan." The album sleeve saw Merchant pictured in colorful and ornate costumes as each of these different characters. As a companion to the album, she also released a film where she portrays each of these different characters, with voice-overs used for the "novice carmelite," the "sweetheart" and the "courtesan" as they are Spanish, German and Italian, respectively.
The first single off the album was a happy and uncharacteristically simple song called "Kind and Generous", which received massive airplay on VH1 and which solidified Merchant's role as a bona fide solo artist. That summer, Sarah McLachlan invited Merchant to co-headline the year's biggest music festival with her, Lilith Fair. The exposure from the tour helped the album reach Platinum status in just under a year, with subsequent singles "Break Your Heart" and "Life Is Sweet" receiving moderate airplay on adult contemporary stations. No video was filmed for the latter, however, with a clip from Merchant's appearance on VH1's Storytellers being used instead. She would also go on to appear on PBS' Sessions at West 54th and VH1's Hard Rock Live before the year's end. In 1998, Merchant also recorded George Gershwin's "But Not for Me" for the Red Hot Organization's compilation album Red Hot + Rhapsody, a tribute to George Gershwin, which raised money for various charities devoted to increasing AIDS awareness and fighting the disease.
The Ophelia tour ended in 1999 with the final few shows being performed and recorded on Broadway. The performance would be released as the album Natalie Merchant: Live in Concert with a companion video of the same name. The performance was notable in that it featured numerous covers including songs by David Bowie, Neil Young, and the Breton-Welsh singer-songwriter Katell Keineg.
American Folk Music Tour (2000) and Motherland (2001)
In 2000, Merchant embarked on a folk tour in the United States with many shows being supported by alt-country band Wilco.
Merchant's next studio album on the Elektra label was Motherland, released in 2001. Motherland saw Merchant at her most experimental musically. Motherland achieved Gold on the Billboard charts after debuting at No. 30 on the Billboard 200 and No. 13 on the Top Internet Albums of 2001, respectively. Rolling Stone favored this album with 3½ stars, and also noticed a difference in Merchant's voice, which was more deep and gritty than her previous albums. Singles that were released from Motherland were "Just Can't Last", "Build a Levee" and "Tell Yourself".
Merchant embarked on a year and a half world tour to promote Motherland. The first leg of the tour started in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 17, 2001, trekking all over the United States, and then heading to Europe with some special acoustic shows in Europe. Merchant also participated in the Rock am Ring Festival and Rock im Park in 2002. In the summer of 2002, she was paired with Chris Isaak and both played at stadiums and arenas.
The House Carpenter's Daughter (2003)
Merchant at the piano in 2005
After her contract with Elektra expired in August 2002, Merchant decided not to sign with them again, or any other major label.[9] Her next studio album, The House Carpenter's Daughter, was released in September 2003 on her own label, Myth America Records. To date this has been the only release on Myth America.
Leave Your Sleep (2010)
In October 2009, the official websites of Nonesuch Records and Natalie Merchant announced that she had signed with the label. Leave Your Sleep was released on April 13, 2010 [10] and is a compilation of five years of inspiration from a "conversation" with her daughter over the "first 6 years of her life." The album debuted on the Billboard Top 200 at No. 17, Billboard Folk Albums at No. 1, Amazon.com at No.1, and iTunes, No. 3. The album was co-produced by Grammy winning Andres Levin.
Merchant contributed a cover of Buddy Holly's "Learning the Game" to the tribute album Listen to Me: Buddy Holly, released September 6, 2011.
Personal life
Merchant became known for her swirling style of dancing and her simple dress while performing with 10,000 Maniacs
In 2003, Merchant married Daniel de la Calle and had a daughter with him named Lucia. However, in an interview in 2012, she indicated that she is now divorced.
She likes gardening and painting.Some paintings can be seen at her official website.
She has been a vegetarian since 1980, save for the duration of her pregnancy when she temporarily resumed eating meat.In 1997, she said:
"The '60s aesthetic has never really appealed to me, the tie-dyed Deadhead running barefoot through the forest on LSD. I don't think that's really me. But I've been a vegetarian for 17 years and I consider myself an environmentalist in as much as I can be, considering the job that I have. I prefer living in the countryside rather than the city; I find it more sane and sustaining for myself..."
Source - http://en.wikipedia.org
Säkert! - Får jag

Jag har ingen anledning till det
Tänkte först gå runt det, tänkte råka springa på dig
Men nu är är det bara så
Att jag orkar inte göra så
Antingen så vill du träffa mig eller så vill du det inte
Vill du det inte så går jag nog hel ut ur det
När man var liten föll man jämt
Men nu ska det vara så jävla hemskt
Så fastän du kanske bara säger ja för att vara snäll
Får jag träffa dig ikväll?
Får jag gå precis så nära
Att min axel stryker vid din arm
Jag vill inte verka jobbig eller så men jag är varm
Du ser kall ut
Får jag hoppa över orden om hur vädret kan förändras
Får jag kliva indirekt på delen om hur allt skulle kunna ändras
Dom kanske tror att vi är typ kära
Får jag gå precis så nära
Sen när vi har gått en timme
Kan vi sitta på en bar
Se hockeyn på Dovas utan att se hockeyn på Dovas
Får jag luta mig närmre precis när det blir två noll till Finland
Får jag köpa en öl till som vi gör i Norrlands inland
När vi inte kan förklara hur gärna vi vill sitta kvar
Precis såhär
Kan vi gå till en bar
När jag är med dig blir min röst så gäll
Säkert! - Dansa, fastän

Annika Norlin
Säkert! - Dansa
Dom har gift sig här ikväll
dom har bytt ringar, slängt buketter
jag tror inte alls på nåt mer
för jag trodde en gång på det här
är ni med mig broder, syster
för jag vet ni har vart här
dansa fastän hjärtat brister
dansa fastän du inte är här
Jag ska dansa fastän hjärtat brister
ska dansa fastän hjärtat brister
det går sönder i takt med basen i marken
det går sönder i takt med värkande huvud
vulkan inuti men polerade yta
det här golvet ikväll
jag ska va sist här
dansa fastän hjärtat brister
dansa fastän du inte är här
Höll ett tal som va för långt
ingen skratta åt poängen
kanske för ja hade glömt
vad poängen e med allt här
å nu mina damer, herrar
bruden och brudgummens vals
jag gömde mina drömmar precis där din axel blir till hals
Jag ska dansa fastän hjärtat brister
ska dansa fastän hjärtat brister
dåliga bandet jag tycker inte om er
men ni täcker över ljudet av sms som inte kommer
spela nåt som alla kan jag kan berätta nåt som alla kan
är ni med mig syster, bröder
dansa för att hjärtat blöder
Å jag ska dansa för att hjärtat blöder
ska dansa för att hjärtat blöder
om ett år eller två kommer det här va över
om ett år eller två kommer det här va över
om ett år eller två kommer det här va över
om ett år eller två kommer det här va över
om ett år eller två kommer det här va över
om ett år eller två är det aldrig över
Uppladdad den 19 nov 2010
"Dansa, fastän" är andra singeln från Säkert!s album "Facit".
Regissör: Alexandra Valin
Fotograf: Lisabi Fridell
B-Foto: Petrus Sjövik
Producent: Ryan Binaco
Prodledare: Julia Nygren
sakert.blogspot.com -- razziarecords.se
Säkert! - Min hemstad
Säkert - Fredrik
Säkert - Fredrik
När mänskligheten ruttnar i en hög och alla ba: "vad är bäst för mig?"
och "jag köper vatten på flaska"
och "hon älskar inte dig"
Säger jag: "Mäh, Fredrik, spela spelet"
Men du bah: "varför då?
jag vill inte bli älskad så
man får inget för det när man är som vi
man får inget för det när man vill folk väl
när man har en vilsam själ"
Ska vi starta upp en by
ska vi bygga upp nåt nytt
ska vi skriva en ny bibel med tio nya budord
kan vi heta nånting annat Fredrik
kan vi passa in någonstans där man får sköta sitt eget huvud
men slipper sköta sig själv.
Dom slogs på stan
Det var nån slags knark i mitten
Alla skratta "kolla dom därå"
men du skulle gå emellan
Man gör inte så i det här landet
Man börjar inte prata med fel person
Man tycker inte om det här bandet
Man börjar inte sjunga på rätt ton
(Åh, alla låtar jag skrivit till såna som inte är värda en låt
åh, historien är full av låtar till såna som inte borde få en låt
man måste krossa hjärtan och starta krig
man måste ha skadat för att hamna i böckerna
man måste skada för att få en låt, en bok, en tavla)
Kan jag få ett tal på torget
Kan vi bygga upp nåt nytt
Jag vet inte vad det nya är men bättre än det här
Får man sluta vara hård
Får man luta sig mot nån
Kan du bygga en låg scen så man får se folk i ögonen
Om det inte finns himmel Fredrik
Varför föddes man snäll
Det här är mina armbågar Fredrik
Jag ska vässa dom ikväll
He hit lite stigma
Visa mig en sekt
Ge mig nånting o tro på när ljuset är släckt
Ah Ah
Ah Ah
Ah Ah
Ah Ah
(rel 15/9). Mer info på sakert.blogspot.com/razziarecords.se.
Hjältarna bakom videon är:
Regissör: Alexandra Valin
Fotograf: Lisabi Fridell
B-Foto: Sofia Armenteros
Prodledare: Ryan Binaco
Casting: Micaela Valin
Ljus: Anders Hedqvist
Ljus-ass: Tommy Svanberg, Mats Svanborg
Scenografi: Henrietta Sterner
Scenografiass: Nina Fridell
Kostym: Rebecka Rissanen
Klippare: Fredrika Andersson, Nils Moström
Grading: Sebastian Ramn
The Theologian's Nightmare - short story by Bertrand Russell - Eddie Vedder - 'Society'
The Theologian's Nightmare - short story by Bertrand Russell - from Fact and Fiction, 1961
The eminent theologian Dr. Thaddeus dreamt that he died and pursued his course toward heaven. His
studies had prepared him and he had no difficulty in finding the way. He knocked at the door of
heaven, and was met with a closer scrutiny than he expected. "I ask admission," he said, "because I
was a good man and devoted my life to the glory of God." "Man?" said the janitor, "What is that? And
how could such a funny creature as you do anything to promote the glory of God?" Dr. Thaddeus was
astonished. "You surely cannot be ignorant of man. You must be aware that man is the supreme work
of the Creator." "As to that," said the janitor, "I am sorry to hurt your feelings, but what you're saying
is news to me. I doubt if anybody up here has ever heard of this thing you call 'man.' However, since
you seem distressed, you shall have a chance of consulting our librarian."
The librarian, a globular being with a thousand eyes and one mouth, bent some of his eyes upon Dr.
Thaddeus. "What is this?" he asked the janitor. "This," replied the janitor, "says that it is a member of
a species called 'man,' which lives in a place called 'Earth.' It has some odd notion that the Creator
takes a special interest in this place and this species. I thought perhaps you could enlighten it."
"Well," said the librarian kindly to the theologian, "perhaps you can tall me where this place is that
you call 'Earth.'" "Oh," said the theologian, "it's part of the Solar System." "And what is the Solar
System?" asked the librarian. "Oh," said the theologian, somewhat disconcerted, "my province was
Sacred Knowledge, but the question that you are asking belongs to profane knowledge. However, I
have learnt enough from my astronomical friends to be able to tell you that the Solar System is part of
the Milky Way." "And what is the Milky Way?" asked the librarian. "Oh, the Milky Way is one of the
Galaxies, of which, I am told, there are some hundred million." "Well, well," said the librarian, "you
could hardly expect me to remember one out of so many. But I do remember to have heard the word
galaxy' before. In fact, I believe that one of our sub-librarians specializes in galaxies. Let us send for
him and see whether he can help."
After no very long time, the galactic sub-librarian made his appearance. In shape, he was a
dodecahedron. It was clear that at one time his surface had been bright, but the dust of the shelves
had rendered him dim and opaque. The librarian explained to him that Dr. Thaddeus, in endeavoring
to account for his origin, had mentioned galaxies, and it was hoped that information could be
obtained from the galactic section of the library. "Well," said the sub-librarian, "I suppose it might
become possible in time, but as there are a hundred million galaxies, and each has a volume to
itself, it takes some time to find any particular volume. Which is it that this odd molecule desires?" "It
is the one called 'The Milky Way,'" Dr. Thaddeus falteringly replied. "All right," said the sub- librarian,
"I will find it if I can."
Some three weeks later, he returned, explaining that the extraordinarily efficient card index in the
galactic section of the library had enabled him to locate the galaxy as number QX 321,762. "We have
employed," he said, "all the five thousand clerks in the galactic section on this search. Perhaps you
would like to see the clerk who is specially concerned with the galaxy in question?" The clerk was
sent for and turned out to be an octahedron with an eye in each face and a mouth in one of them. He
was surprised and dazed to find himself in such a glittering region, away from the shadowy limbo of
his shelves. Pulling himself together, he asked, rather shyly, "What is it you wish to know about my
galaxy?" Dr. Thaddeus spoke up: "What I want is to know about the Solar System, a collection of
heavenly bodies revolving about one of the stars in your galaxy. The star about which they revolve is
called 'the Sun.'" "Humph," said the librarian of the Milky Way, "it was hard enough to hit upon the
right galaxy, but to hit upon the right star in the galaxy is far more difficult. I know that there are
about three hundred billion stars in the galaxy, but I have no knowledge, myself, that would
distinguish one of them from another. I believe, however, that at one time a list of the whole three
hundred billion was demanded by the Administration and that it is still stored in the basement. If you
think it worth while, I will engage special labor from the Other Place to search for this particular star."
It was agreed that, sin
ce the question had arisen and since Dr. Thaddeus was evidently suffering some distress, this might
be the wisest course.
Several years later, a very weary and dispirited tetrahedron presented himself before the galactic
sub-librarian. "I have," he said, "at last discovered the particular star concerning which inquiries have
been made, but I am quite at a loss to imagine why it has aroused any special interest. It closely
resembles a great many other stars in the same galaxy. It is of average size and temperature, and is
surrounded by very much smaller bodies called 'planets.' After minute investigation, I discovered that
some, at least, of these planets have parasites, and I think that this thing which has been making
inquiries must be one of them."
At this point, Dr. Thaddeus burst out in a passionate and indignant lament: "Why, oh why, did the
Creator conceal from us poor inhabitants of Earth that it was not we who prompted Him to create the
Heavens? Throughout my long life, I have served Him diligently, believing that He would notice my
service and reward me with Eternal Bliss. And now, it seems that He was not even aware that I
existed. You tell me that I am an infinitesimal animalcule on a tiny body revolving round an
insignificant member of a collection of three hundred billion stars, which is only one of many millions
of such collections. I cannot bear it, and can no longer adore my Creator." "Very well," said the
janitor, "then you can go to the Other Place."
Here the theologian awoke. "The power of Satan over our sleeping imagination is terrifying," he
Bertrand Russell - from Fact and Fiction, 1961

Eddie Vedder - 'Society' - Into the Wild
It's a mystery to me
we have a greed
with which we have agreed
You think you have to want
more than you need
until you have it all you won't be free
Society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
When you want more than you have
you think you need
and when you think more than you want
your thoughts begin to bleed
I think I need to find a bigger place
'cos when you have more than you think
you need more space
Society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
Society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
There's those thinking more or less less is more
but if less is more how you're keeping score?
Means for every point you make
your level drops
kinda like it's starting from the top
you can't do that...
Society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
Society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
Society, have mercy on me
I hope you're not angry if I disagree
Society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
Eddie Vedder - Society - Into the Wild - HD
I want pussy-Period
-I want pussy-PussyPussyPussyPussy-Hi hi hi-I want pussy-Period
-Jag skrev en förskräcklig sång. För det var försräckligt.
-Nej det ordet täcker inte.
"kärleken är en
gammal båt
gammal båt
gammal båt
inte mycket att
göra åt
göra åt
göra åt
Den korsar alla rymder
Den mäter alla djup
Den lyser upp världen
Den sjunker
Den dör
kärleken är en
gammal båt
gammal båt
gammal båt
inte mycket att
göra åt
göra åt
göra åt"
Upprepa hur länge du vill=D
Det finns en engelsk text också, försöker posta den H Ä R
-deeper than sorrow harder than drink this depth you all put me in!
-Aaww such a waste, lucky i now are at peace with the truth about the pointless life and world, govern by luck and ten thousend things in any direction.
-We all have our suffering to talk to but one day it cant eat more out of you, you are outeaten.
-It chews as usual, nothing.
You dont react at first.
-But listen 'mr and mrs pain whatever' its just boring.
-And you, you mad exploding screaming child there within ME!
-WHAT do you want me to do!?
-You have controled me very very much and how do you think it has turned out...?
-Im fifty next year (2013-03-22), overweight,
im the definition of couch potatoe,
using tobacco and been doing this for more than 20 years mostly because of your whining or shall i say BOMBASTIC delivering burning petrol to my wounds,
the very wounds you should be caring and tending for.
-But nooo.
-You just: "burn jim down" AAAWWW J´BH$$45YU
-OKEJ! Ive said DIE! to you many times and I tried to die but you seem not to like that either you little runt, you brat fucking me from within since 1967!
-Demanding nothing, exept.
-I must rub my face with vinegar and salt over and over so you can pour kerosen over my plumbing and awaawwwwooooaaaaa
-You complain, its not to your likening.
-Im not suffering nice enough, correct right in your unknown taste.
-Ive understood the importance of peace with you, Sis.
-And with old mumblemumble shadow-totaly safe dude.
-But im not be here for very long more!
-Its time that you -Screaming kid deep in the vast within-
Do your share, do a little piece of the task!
-Its easy.
-I want pussy.
-No Im not married to you, mum is dead and you have no claim on me little screaming pest from the mighty nothing.
-I want pussy.
-Hi hi hi.
This is a couple of lines from a very old tune...if i find i post it!
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