From The Sunday Telegraph of June 8 1997.
In America a few years ago, Dave Stewart, of the Eurhythmics, said to Dylan that the next time he was in London he should drop by his recording studio in Crouch End. Dylan, at a loose end one afternoon, decided to take him up on it and asked a taxi driver to take him to Crouch End Hill. With the bewildering array of streets in the area all named for various permutations of Crouch, End and Hill, the cabbie accidentally dropped him off at the right number but in an adjoining road.
Dylan knocked at the front door and asked the woman who answered if Dave was in. As it happened, her husband was also called Dave, so she said: "No, he's out on a call at the moment", and Bob said he'd wait. Twenty minutes later, Dave - the plumber, not the rock star - returned and asked the missus whether there were any messages. "No", she said, " but Bob Dylan's in the living room having a cup of tea".
