In all present day faihts and inbedded deep i n all people that have been able to walk the 150 000 years of history the idea of...do unto tyo others what you want otheras to do to you...this is no religious fantasm but the evolutionary must to come this far....and without care for others wellbeing and compassion and honest love we would be gone 50 000 years ago..many are...no new born are able on its own foe many years....and this situation with our prsent competitive culture is soon driving it too far...we must be able to relese the chlld impulse to compete..and to win and lose creates more problem in the pioeline...we must learn to SOLVE problems,,..it surely contains price for all to pay...the rich elite is running our world into the ground with the terrible religious ppl as a moral token, these dangerous ppl who need a mystic fantasy dictator to not be out of order...And this rich elite manage the ppl to blame sociaty but now its called state, sometimes its the nation if we win in sports erc.
To end the competitive age and to mend the disturbed religiuos ppl either exploiting synics or kind and scared. both conditions can be diagnose,

Secular democrasy hopefully developing a bit...absolute freedom of speach...you us pll are stange...if i write c*** f*** a** w**** yo get VERY offebded. So do europeans and why write it but you have a part of your youth rebellion put into thE beep on teveeee..im raised with tewee..5 years ago i throw the damned thing out...Igot over 70 channels and more but could just coik around and finaly get stuck in some Simpson i allready sen. Then i got VERY god broadband and TEEWEEE died, FREE AT LAAST!