A CHARLATANS COME-ON (and a song and some animated gifs too)
I project radioactive focus
An engineer stalks a born again Christian with an incredible invention
You must embark on your mistakes without trading a lunatic
I project radioactive focus
I project radioactive focus
(guilt) love
An acrobat who wants to be an architect woos a traveling salesman who wants to join the circus so
love (thunder)
youd better always sing to your drycleaning without sharing a vampire
love (rolling)
I project radioactive focus
love (worldwide)
I project radioactive focus
love (in silence)
A patent clerk gives a horrible disease to a journalist who communicates with the dead after all
love (Shhh...we repair...shhh....repair....shhh)
you could be joyful hurt or dance around the point of existence
love (Shhh...we repair...shhh....repair....shhh)
I project radioactive focus
love (Just because you asked =D )
I project radioactive focus
love (Shhh...we repair...shhh....repair....shhh)
A choir leader with insomnia weds the mother of a cartoonist from Utah
love (Shhh...we repair...shhh....repair....shhh)
Stay away from false mailmen
love (Shhh...we repair...shhh....repair....shhh)
I project radioactive focus
love (Shhh...we repair...shhh....repair....shhh)
I project radioactive focus
love (repair)
You must go to war with your mother and father
and you'll find you will battle with a stubbed toe you must
get Certified as a Public Accountant
I project radioactive focus
(die if your able)
My song
LIFE IS NOT A COMPETITION - ReMastered - New Video -